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Have you tested it?
Lardyfella Lets start with why the old one failed?? Are you sure the voltage regulator is not the problem? The old alt can be rebuilt with a kit. The bushes may be worn out in the old one. Here's the other thing, what extras are you running in the car? MSD ignition, extra lights, AC, fuel pumps, ECU, How many cooling fans?? This Alt may not be enough and still charge the battery with about 14.0 volts also. Does your car have an amp gauge or voltage gauge? Have you done a voltage test with the charging system at idle and 2,000 rpms with all extra off and all power ideas on. need outputs on both.
PAperformance sell a kit with a 95 amp setup with a 2 wire change. The rest of the car looks the same. They also sell a maxi fuse kit from the output of the new alt to the battery to protect everything. Lifetime on parts. I would just recheck fuses first than voltage regulator for power and grounds both in and out. If all this passes, there is a check on some alt's that ground the board internally and has it full charge output. You need to figure out with all electrical thing running total useage. You want a 10-15% on top of this total for a good changing system. Rick L.