(This event was 6/2 - 6/3 vs the title in the OP) Big turnout at Hallett last weekend, lots of the old Run N Gun crowd showed up and some hot factory cars: Porsche, Corvette, Lotus. We had a Lotus 7 Stalker and an Ariel Atom that was faster than stink! Cobras from St. Louis, Oklahoma, and Texas, and retired race cars from Indy and Formula 1. Lots to gawk at.
I had some really good times now that I have gone to the custom ERA IRS with outboard brakes and Hoosier R6's. Knocked 3 sec of my last trip to Hallett and ran a 1:27.3 best and regularly in the 1:28's. On a sad note, I broke a rod Sunday am and punched a hole in the water jacket, taking out the bearings in the bottom end
Clois announced that the Run N Gun event will restart this year at Hallett on 10/19 - 10/21. So start thinking about that and watch for more details from Clois.
Gotta go pull the engine and get it back to Keith for autopsy ...
Racin' with Dave Williams #98
About the pass the Porsche
And so it ends ... pride goeth before the fall.