Originally Posted by blykins
Jeff, I know I spoke with you on the phone about this, but I don't feel like I stated my case thoroughly enough. The benefit may not solely be on the horsepower side, but it is very much on the reliability side.
Jeff, you should really listen to Brent. I'll give this to him: He is absolutely honest as the day is long and he will help you get an engine that will last and that will stay within your budget. I'm afraid if you start picking out parts yourself you might pick something like a cheap Chinese rockershaft and you'll pay for it big time later. Brent knows ways to shave costs off your engine that will not endanger it and that will lend itself to easy upgrading later. For instance, he might put my Holley 3310 on there for you and it would cost less than $200 -- you could upgrade that to the thousand dollar carb at a later date with no trouble and with no risk of damaging your engine in the meantime.