Remember these are very simple cars, no ac, no anti-lock brakes, no computers, no, traction control, problems are limited to paint, body, engine, transmission are robust and cheap to repair and replace. I think you will find more issues with a new one, there is alot of sorting. Remember paint and body cost the most, engines are easily repaired / replaced. Most new SPF with stroked small block (Roush, KC) run in the low to mid $70's if you get the opitions which used to be standard like top and tonneau. You buy used from 53k to 60k, take the 12-17k saved to make any upgrades you may like (brakes, wheels etc)
Originally Posted by PHC1
Buying used can obviously be less painful on the wallet especially when the purchase is "right". Sometimes a used purchase is just buying someone else's headache.  I will certainly keep the option of finding a good preowned car an option!