Why are you are so quick to suuush me?
I didn’t call him a “Jerk” I didn’t say he was lying, I didn’t say we should take his Cobra away because his mamby-pamby personality makes him unworthy.
However, tcrist had no problem publicly calling out and condemning CB when the LEO on scene felt it wasn’t necessary and to that I disagree.
Loud and fast and fun is the point of a Cobra. Clearly, he doesn’t like loud (Moms ears are sensitive), he doesn’t like fast and attacks those that have fun.
I call it what it is. This is an enthusiast forum, why post if you’re not going to be enthusiastic? Maybe he should be here:
“Its not personal, its business….”
I am sorry I couldn’t be there for Scott’s funeral. I respected both him and his dad. I am proud to have known them, albeit for a short time.