I'm a big fat basturd at 6'2" 280 who tried on quite a few different makes, including an SPF with "big boy" mods (seemed to be mostly the seat back straight up and back against rear fire wall with a smaller steering wheel; not comfortable at all) in southern OH and was getting a little despondent about finding a Cobra that I could drive comfortably. Then Dave (mentioned by Jay above) let me try on his BDR at the London Cobra Show back in 06. Shortly after, I ordered my BDR and recieved #687. I have the seat bolted directly to the floor/frame with no sliders and all the way to the rear. Now I have good leg room and my helmeted head is below the level of the roll bar. All without custom dropped foot boxes, weird angled seat backs, or banging my knee into the door hinge etc. Call me happy with my BDR. Just for comparison, that's me driving with my 6'4" son riding shotgun and the passenger seat still on sliders.