Originally Posted by PHC1
Fair enough, I should have asked this question in the FE TALK except I wasn't sure if I was asking a question that was actually related to an FE engine or some other specific characteristic that is responsible for the "sound" of the engine that I liked. I guess I am guilty as charged but surely there is much worse a guy can do???
I'm not the 'Forum Location' police here. You missed the major point I was trying to make which is to SEARCH-for what ever you're curious about.
This place is a goldmine of experience and opinion. Taking advantage of that makes you smarter, faster and usually save you money on your preferences.
Yeah so 6 or 8 guys get on and give you their answers (which you easily could have found yourself) but you're missing
reams of pages and over a decade of experienced advice and knowledge.
When you've got the subject matter under your belt, then ask specific questions which will benefit you much more. And if you really want to learn about these cars, find and hang with a group of them. There's nothing like the knowledge gained by forming your own impressions.
OK now??