06-18-2012, 08:16 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey,
Cobra Make, Engine: Shelby Cobra CSX4206 aluminum body, original 1965 NASCAR 427 SO, Dual quads.
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Originally Posted by patrickt
Now that you've answered the horsepower question, could you see any differences between the Kirkham and the SPF? Did any of the differences jump out as you as "gotta haves?" Now I'm not talking originality, or even the aluminum v. glass thing. Instead, those differences could be as little (or big) as the wipers, stance of the hips, look of the nose, etc. Or, did both cars pretty much look the same to you?
Patrick: As noted by PCH1 to his untrained eye he could not see much of a difference. To those like me that have been around these cars for years and years we can tell these cars apart from 50 yards away. The average guy can't. I can see a substantial difference in body shape between a SPF and a Kirkham. I'm sure you can to.
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