Originally Posted by mickmate
I just bombed TheStigs e-mail with Hi Tech info. If you have a lot of HiTech questions we could ask Ron/Brent for a HT forum if there's enough of the HT guys on here.
Whoa! I have received the e-mails you have sent to my personal account and I am extremely impressed with your collection of resources that you have provided. As you know, it is so difficult to find information pertaining to the Hi-Tech Motorsports Cobra since the company was huge in the 1990's before the internet became a haven of information about anything and everything. I have submitted a post of several pictures for approval on this forum, but the moderators have yet to the approve the pictures in order for easy viewing. I have them in my account's photo-album that claims to be "Public Album". So, you may be able to view the photographs from the album contained in my profile webpage. I would really love for each of you to see the photos and provide feedback.
Based on the e-mail messages sent by
MickMate, I believe that the car a Hi-Tech Motorsports Cobra. I assume that the pictures that were sent to my e-mail account were photographs of Cobras built by Tom D'Antonio. If that is the case, it is extremely helpful to know that information.
MickMate, I am going to e-mail a response to you (hopefully tomorrow) to express how much I appreciate all of the help that you have provided thus far in the thread. Once again, the information was incredible.