Originally Posted by lal Naja
Arno, congratulations! Thanks for the running commentary on your experience.
Can you shed some light on the Illinois sales tax payment. Did you pay the taxes within the 30 day period? If not, did you pay a penalty and how was the penalty calculated.
Thanks Arthur!
For the tax issue, we did not pay the taxes within the 30 day period as we were not aware of it (like most people who go through this process unfortunately).
We just filled out the ST-44 form (I'm pretty sure that is the correct form number, but I can check), and we'll wait to see what they give us as a penalty. We actually are talking to a tax attorney who does the business's taxes, to see what he says... I'll comment on all that when I hear more about it. The thing that makes me feel good is that our taxes will be well taken care of in Illinois...
(sarcastic hat on)