I had Cobrafan1 asking a few questions about my latest Weber setup and I want to share these with all of you.
One emulsion tube I had been using was a modified F7 tube, with a self made sleeeve covering the lower holes and making the middle ones aireate the fuel further up, since the air bubbles would go up between the emulsion tube and the sleeve and come out at the top of the sleeve (tested this in a glass of water blowing air into the top) I also drilled 8 new holes at the very top and 4 holes below in order to lean out the lower midrange.
Since I have always been testing other emulsion tubes to find the absolute best here is the one I was using when the crankshaft broke. It is a F11 tube with two extra holes at the top. Worked well also, but I was not able to go back to the modified F7 E-tube to make comparisons. The crank is broken for now.
And I can warn that if you have well set up Webers, a light flywheel and a not so good crankshaft, the Webers will twist that crank to death. Happened to me. Stay away from eagle cast.