Originally Posted by patrickt
Chas, since you're awake, what kind of torque do you guesstimate our spinners but down with the whacks from the lead hammer? 
I honestly don't know after wondering all these years. But I know it's two different types of torque.
The hammer provides a more instant type of torque-the k/o goes on by hand until it seats and movement stops. Then torque is applied by a whack or two.
I know that wrench-applied torque is more gradual and 150+lb/ft on the Jag hub castle nuts and 125 (IIRC) on an ARP balancer bolt (less with ARP lube). I did the Jag nut with a 3/4" and a pipe extension to get the wrench to click.
All this special, expensive k/o 'wrench' stuff is BS to make money for tool designers. Knock-offs were designed from day one for hammer activation.
Too many effete snobs with more cash than mechanical sensibility have given the astute a viable market to fleece.
It ain't rocket science-practice it and the feel comes and never goes away. The feel of applying torque to fasteners by wrenches is a far more sophisticated skill to learn.
If you've got one of these cars, using the hammer is the easiest requisite skill you should be able to master. Man up.