Originally Posted by tirod
All the work arounds are the problem to the simpler solution of using a more conventional fan, fan clutch and normal pump with a factory sized pulley on it. About all it will save is 6-10 hp, using the latest lubricants on the market does that.
I have a Sebring also, very similar configuration and heat problems. I am trying not to just throw money at the problem hoping for a fix. Are you saying that changing the fan speed by changing out the water pump pulley is a good first step? I thought about that but have never heard of anyone doing that to address the problem.
I did try the
Amsoil cooling additive, mixed with water (no
antifreeze) Saturday, and it looks like I've dropped about 10F. I also think that the Sebring would benefit from fender vents, as the air flow under the hood doesn't seem to be very good.