Originally Posted by patrickt
I was wondering how long it would for this to come up. I considered strongly the Unique product before I bought an already completed replica, and their online manual was one of the "red flags" to me until I searched further.
I was assured by a Unique owner that the info that accompanied the kit was much more detailed, but have never seen it.
I suspect it is much as the situation with the ERA manual...a brief overview online to get you interested, the real deal after "...the deal" is sealed.
I like a company who will sell you their full build manual before you order a kit, then give you credit for it when you order. Hurricane use to be that way, I bought a build manual directly from the corporate headquarters. It goes a long way toward convincing me I can complete the kit...or not. Should be standard practice in the industry, IMHO...
While I don't have a horse in this race, I see very clearly the similarities between the two companies in terms of approach to customers and dedication to quality.