Sorry for the dark pictures. We bought a new camera to take care of that problem
Also, please keep checking back on previous photos. I, or Thomas, will be captioning them (and editing them if we need to--I am just trying to get the photos up for you guys ASAP).
As for which car we copied. There are 6 original Coupes and we have used extensive original photos off those cars to copy the car. Remember, ALL the cars were different. Also, we are very fortunate to have one just up the road from us at them Miller Motorsports Park museum. We know the Millers quite well and they have been most kind with letting us take measurements and crawl around their $$$ car. Great people.
Also, Mike McCluskey, who has restored many of the originals, has made replicas for a long time (even for Carroll Shelby). He let us borrow one of his cars
Nice to have great friends in the industry. That is a big reason why we are sharing with everyone we can too.
Happy to answer any questions.