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It sounds like your battery went open circuit. Check the cells. If one of them is dry, you have a bad cell. If you jump start a car with an open circuit battery, It can make an alternator run away to 17 volts and destroy many things. Some ammeters a wired to stay on zero, some to show how much charge goes into the battery, depending on the load.
A volt meter is a better way of knowing what the system is doing, and if the alternator stops working, it'll give you a countdown to when the engine will quit. I really like optima batteries. No fumes, will hold a charge for 6 months or more, 800cca. solid construction. Quickest way to check for earth problems is a test light. From the centre of the battery neg post to the block, try to crank, if light comes on, bad earth, also from pos, to starter solenoid bolt, if light comes on, a bad connection. Keep touching along the connections, until light goes out is where the fault is.