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Old 07-26-2012, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Bill Bess View Post
Maybe a good way to do it would be to prepare a Standard form and format. Have each manufacture/company prepare the forms with specific required information. Specs., frame design with standard pictures, specify what comes with std. kits, Options, and custom applications available. Also list the sales options ie. turn-key to bare bones kit or part it out system.
By doing it that way each manufacture can put out their best information available and it wouldn't be influenced by us builders in the field. We would want apple to apples, not a bunch of information we have on our respect cobras including our bias opinions.
Anyrthing else is going to be pretty useless and give new builders some wrong information.
Hi Bill - if the manufacturers are willing to participate by supplying all of the requested info and specs, that would be great. We can send them the format once we finalize it, but somehow I suspect the response will be lukewarm at best. We can get basic spec info from their websites, but remember, we won't be advertising their products - we'll be listing all of the vital statistics; not just the positive hype from their promo material.
Owners and builders who see the value in providing objective data may well be our most reliable source of information. Maybe someone from each regional club can be the point person to use our finalized template to gather measurements and info from the various brands in their groups for consolidation and entry.

Originally Posted by BAsque1
I am not infering that I have tons of Cobra Experience, I thought that in fairness to ALL manufacturers, that the info should be included.
It is unfortunate that because one individual's undoing @ WCC that a great kit does not get the credit due. If you need the info I have the manufacturer"s specs and all other pertinent info available for you to include however you like. Let me know I am volunteering my time and info.
Lou(Basque 1)
Lou, actually I was inferring that I do not have all of the relevant knowledge and experience to be entrusted with compiling all of the data and info. I'm suggesting a team including people like yourself with brand-specific knowledge would bring the most value to the project. We will absolutely need the info you've already compiled and thanks for volunteering to help.

Originally Posted by SunDude

For the "Accuracy" category, it might be worth mentioning which original 260/289 or 427 Cobra (if applicable) was used as the basis for the replica manufacturer's body molds.

I tried to put together a list a while back, but this info is hard to find. I suspect a lot of replica bodies were simply "eye balled" and not pulled from an original car.
I remember that thread and you're right - most replicas are second generation splashes from other replica brands with a small few who can establish that their molds came from an original car. That info if available would be a great addition to the list.

Originally Posted by Wbulk
Buzz, I would really like to see measurements of the cockpit included if possible. I have been trying to get these on the various brands. One thing that most don't know, including some manufatures is that there are low, medium and high bodies. They measure from a low of 24" to high of 27" from the main floor to the center rear cowl deck.

The measurements I have been collecting are basic. They are:
1. From the rear center cowl deck to the main floor.
2. The height of the door at the latch to the main floor.
3. The body length and width of the cockpit (inner most points).
4. Length from the drivers firewall to the rear bulkhead where it meets the floor.
5. Across the seat the distance from the tunnel to the door.

What you are trying to do is great. One issue that has to be resolved is car version. Like FFR they are now on the Mark IV. Most other manufactures have not numbered of kept track of the changes. Another example is Shell Valley, when they started up again they now use the higher body that is 27". How do we resolve this? Maybe just a manufacture build date and if it varies from someone elses there would be another entry. Ideas?
Fantastic Wayne! I could even render up a line drawn template to create a visual reference for the measurements. We would definitely need to mention what generation car from each manufacturer the stats are referring to, with a possible listing of the changes made from the previous generation car.

I'll PM Ron (Computerworks) to see if he has any suggestions or guidelines for developing and posting the list.
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...

Last edited by Buzz; 07-26-2012 at 11:21 AM..
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