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Funny you should ask that!
Originally when I was still living in Denver Colorado, I had decided on a Kirkham. Unfortunately due to miscommunications, it didn't happen. That was my first choice all along.
Later on when I found that SAI was once again was building the Cobra, I changed my mind and decided on a CXS4000. Again due to some unfortunate events, that didn't happen either.
Like I have said it before, in spite of the grief I give Evan Harris, I wouldn' be all that unhappy if my Cobra said Shelby on it somewhere.
Now that I have a car, I am happy with, it would take a little more wine and drugs for me to start the ordeal once again. If I did, it would be because I always wanted a Aluminum Car. My first choice would be a CSX and then a Kirkham. If the price was no objection,
The Master.
The tranny is not in, looks like you got the weekend off!
Of course there is also the Installation of Satellite dish this weekend!
OBAMA IN in 2012
Last edited by Turk; 03-01-2002 at 01:17 PM..