MapQuest shows ~40 minutes to Van Zandt from Fairhaven if your going the south route around Lake Padden then marauding through rural Bellingham towns up around Lake Whatcom on the north side where you hit Highway-542 towards Deming to Mt. Baker.
If thats the route your going, then you will need to backtrack south down Highway-9 to Van Zandt. Unless the Van Zandt store is a planned destination, I.E. great treats, maybe it would more convenient for everyone if I caught the snake pack in Deming?
I can sit by the road and when I hear and see the blurr of race cars ripping by, we can jump in the back of the pack (after the State Troopers chasing you all).
If so let me know, and I'll be in Deming by ~11:30am
Kev and Di