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Welcome to a great group!
There are a few people who track and autocross their cars. I've taken mine out at Blackhawk Farms only to learn that it doesn't handle like most modern cars and I need to learn a whole new set of skills to drive it better on the track.
The guys here know that I am crazy enough to take mine out in the rain - or at least stop to put on the top and then continue driving. I don't recommend it. My tires are probably rated as "decent", but taking a R turn too fast resulted in sliding across 2 lanes, a painted median (thank goodness), and into the oncoming traffic lane. Luckily, there was no one else on that stretch of road, and I was able to ease it back over where I was supposed to be. It can be one heck of an adrenaline rush.
I do use my handbrake when I park, but sometimes it can be a struggle to get it to release afterwards. But if on an incline in a parking lot, I'll also leave it in gear or shove a chock under a tire (yes, I do keep one handy).
Have fun driving and hope to see you at S&E.