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Old 08-30-2012, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by 289fia_cobra View Post
Well, at least someone has their picture for Tom's calender! I gotta get crackin' on one!
Well done Tim. I'm happy you built the car your way. In many respects, it is the sleeper of our group next to Steve's.

Have you ever figured out your initial gas mileage yet? I know it's a bit early but it's good to track - it should get better after another 2-3K on the odo. Your 302 should hopefully give you about 24mpg or 25mpg at a constant 65mph... heck, maybe even better. My 347 achieved 22mpg at a constant 70mph along 101 between SLO and Santa Barbra and I didn't have your gearing so I'm hopeful (makes going on long trips less stressful knowing you don't have to stop as much.)

Herman ... Thanks!

Get that camera going! Have not figured out the mileage yet, hopefully it's in the same range as your 347, that's impressive.

Still trying to figure out exactly just how much gas I can get in the tank from empty. Seems to be about 11 - 12 gallons, so about a 200 - 250 mile range ? ... mileage will vary of course.
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