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You may want to brush up on your Engineering. You, however are right that a 10 foot diameter wheel would need a larger knock-off than a normal wheel (but the effect is linear and not exponential). It would also have to apply way more clamp force. This is why knock- offs are not typically used on giant dump trucks, they require way more torque and clamping force. Look at how many studs giant dump trucks use. Neither this nor the two-by-four example have anything to do with applied fastener torque producing preload. All you are saying is that a bigger wheel needs a bigger bolt - true, but it will also need more torque applied to produce enough preload.
You may not be a physicist, but you are not an Engineer either. This stuff is Engineering 101 and there is really no magic here.
Believe me or not, but if you put 70 ft-lb on your knock-offs, you will not like the result. You have been warned.
E. Wood
10.69 @ 129.83mph - on pump gas and street tires