Originally Posted by dsmith74
So the nutty thing here is, the way it sounds, no matter what...if you're from MA. and you buy an out of state cobra replica, no matter what...even if that car has been registered and titled for 20 years in another state, you will have to get all your documentation on that car (receipts, VIN #'s, bills of sale etc...)...and get a new MA. assigned VIN number. Go through the whole state police inspection process, get a VIN, then you can register and title the car. MA. does not recognize out of state titles if the car is a replica. Am I incorrect here?
I went to the Haverhill DOT today, spoke with the officer there...he was a nice guy to his credit. When I showed him the title, he said the VIN wasn't real and I needed a new MA VIN, even though the one on the title is issued by the State Police from the state of Ohio. So a MA. VIN is real but one from Ohio isn't???
I had a receipt for the transmission and bell housing, receipt for the turn-key kit...which is EVERYTHING except the engine and transmission. The only thing I didn't have was a bill of sale or invoice for the engine, which I"m working on.
He kept saying to me "where did this come from" meaning, where did the car and all it's components come from...and I tried to show him the receipt for the turn-key kit, as well as a list of all that's included...but he said that wasn't good enough??? I don't think he was hearing what I was saying. Also, the transmission, I showed him the receipt for the tranny, same thing...what did it come out of, I told him it was new...but he said a receipt wasn't good enough, we need proof of where it came from???
I'm confused, no idea... I have a title for the car, so, the MCO/MSO is gone...the State of Ohio took that when they issued the title.
Seems like I need to call the manufacturer and ask for a detailed invoice for the car to go along with the title. As for tranny...I'm going to need proof that it's new, and the Engine...best I can get is an Invoice from the company that built the engine, noting the serial number on the invoice.
How in the world does anyone who buys a rolling kit or turn-key kit get their VIN in MA? All they are going to have is the MCO/MSO and a bill of sale and invoice. They can't expect to have documentation for every part of the car, if it's all new parts from the manufacturer.
Thanks a lot, -Dave