found the chart,here it is.......
this is for mixing one gallon of fuel on the left side of the chart with pump gas.......
Octane Mixing
Octane Mixing Ratios
Gallons of 92 octane fuel to which 1 gallon of race fuel has been added
Octane of race fuel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25
116 104 100 98 96 96 95.4 95 94.7 94.4 94.2 93.5 93.1 92.9
112 102 98.7 97 96 95.3 94.9 94.5 94.2 94 93.8 93.3 93 92.8
110 101 98 96.5 95.6 95 94.6 94.3 94 93.8 93.6 93.1 92.9 92.7
108 100 97.3 96 95.2 94.7 94.3 94 93.8 93.6 93.5 93 92.8 92.6
106 99 96.7 95.5 94.8 94.3 94 93.8 93.6 93.4 93.3 92.9 92.7 92.5
104 98 96 95 94.4 94 93.7 93.5 93.3 93.2 93.1 92.8 92.6 92.5
102 97 96.3 94.5 94 93.7 93.4 93.3 93.1 93 92.9 92.6 92.5 92.4
100 96 94.7 94 93.6 93.3 93.1 93 92.9 92.8 92.7 92.5 92.4 92.3
99 95.5 94.3 93.8 93.4 93.2 93 92.9 92.8 92.7 92.6 92.4 92.3 92.3
Resultant octane of mixture
go to this site,it's easier to read: