Originally Posted by dcdoug
Which is better?
Trick question....
Aluminum will conduct better than brass,
but, it has a nasty habit of developing a white, powdery oxide on the outside which hampers conductivity and erodes the metal,
but, dielectric grease will greatly diminish this,
but, that won't help if your rotor tip is copper. And since you asked, ever wonder why underground conductors fail catastrophically? Because the conductor is aluminum, some with a steel core for strength, and a protective insulator around it all. When they are placed in the ground they're surrounded by a nice safe, soft protective bed of "rock dust." But then, the evil water and sewer guys come on to the site and backhoe up the ground, lay their pipes, and then back fill crap on to the conductors (instead of carefully replacing the rock dust). The insulation gets nicked, just a bit, and then over time the moisture turns the aluminum conductor in to white, powdery aluminum oxide and then *poof* the conductor fails -- but this takes time, and now the water/sewer guys are long gone. And then everyone stands around looking at the faulty conductor, which faulted directly under the water/sewer line, and say
"ahhh, the water/sewer guys strike again."