I've had my top for years.
From day one, it had a gap in the middle where the holding pins didn't hold. Someone who owned an original posted something to the tune of
"they all were like that" so, since I hardly ever use it, I just lived with it and said that one day I'd pursue it. Well, today was the day. Here's a shot of the way it has looked for years:
After really taking the time to figure out what was going on, I could see that the frame rails on the top were not going down over the screw bosses that the sun visors were attached to. The top rails would catch on the edges, and when you cinch down the clips, the holding pins in the center of the top would pop out of the track. Spreading the top rails apart so they would go over them was the trick. There are small pieces of blue tape in the pic that I used to mark the spots that needed spreading.
The holding pins now hold the top down in the middle of the windshield, and the top rails track nicely along the length of the windshield.
The top actually fits very well.