Originally Posted by Tony Ripepi
Another Way...
After the comment about it being a replica, if the person asking has a young boy ( 8-12) with them, I'll ask the kid if he wants to get in, after he is in the drivers seat, I'll point out the little pad on the gas pedal and ask him if he can reach it, I will then start it up and let the kid rev it up.........I figure it makes for Cobra fan in the next generation.
A video of me doing this showed up on You Tube several months ago......the "now" generation has its own twists, I had no idea it was being recorded. I love the look in their eyes with the side pipes screaming beside them and how they have to duck their entire body below the cowl and inside the foot box to push on the gas.
Finally decided to read through this thread. I let my 3 year old do this (above) and I about shi*t myself. He slid under the dash and mashed it down. 0-7500 rpm instantly. Didn't like it, had to show him how to flutter it a bit.