Dwight, I look forward to seeing your GT. getter' dun !
Bob, I thought about buying one of those fart machines but then I realized I am a fart machine. I have an extra feature too called aroma.
Clois, you know it plain bugs the hell out of me that I can't be at R&G. It's the most fun you can have with your car and friends.
Jeff, Paula says HEY ! To you and Kathy. She says we are going to do all we can to make the Route 66 cruise. Who knows, we might bring along a contingency Texas Cobras
This is my last year I have to work on the property. I should have most all of it done by March for sure. Then its party time. I'm doing nothing but cruises and some track events.
I also might build another Cobra. I gave my Midstates to my daughter and son- in law. They are really excited about getting involved with a club and go to some events. I think they will join the Mile High Cobras in Denver as they live close by there. I just freshened up the old girl and put a second roll bar on her. All she needs is a paint job and she will be as pretty as ever.