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I know exactly how to make your shiny aluminum rims get that milky finish, and it only takes 15-20 seconds (per wheel) to do it. I have a couple cars with different types of wheels and have a couple different types of wheel cleaner in the garage. I was cleaning the wheels on my SPF a couple weeks ago and mistakenly grabbed some Meguiars Hot Rims Chrome Wheel Cleaner for my aluminum knock-offs.
Took that shine off in no time at all. I used some 000 steel wool to get the better part of the milky look off of the wheels and then some aluminum polish to shine them up again. They will never be as shiny as original, but as luck would have it, I like the slightly dulled finish better than the bright shine of highly polished aluminum.
Of course wheel polishing has now taken on a whole new meaning - and a lot more time.