Originally Posted by wrogers55
Someone I know very "closely" bought just such a car, Virginia registration as a 1965 Ford Cobra, listed one of the South Africa manufacturer's VIN numbers and such, and was in and out of Ca DMV in 20 minutes. Car is now registered as a SPCN, 1st Year Sold as 0000 on the title......and so on. Lady smiled and said you are all set and you will only be required to renew you tags as necessary.
My "friend" was stupid enough to ask, what about smog and such, and she said you are not required to do anything else now or in the future. For several tag cycles, no requirements of any kind.
My "friend" used the Gilroy, Ca DMV.
OK unless things have changed in the last few years some of this info dos'nt check out. Yes you can take a title from another state into the DMV and leave with a new registration (and title sent later) for your car. The people working at the DMV won't check to see if the actual car matches what the title says. The new title will have the same year, make and model as the old title. If the year stated is old enough ( i'm not sure how many years it is) then the car is exempt from smog checks. The SPCN , 0000 year and smog exemption are all part of the SB 100 process so that you can accurately title a hand built car, this is not something that happens automatically at any DMV, the first step is to get the 1 out of only 500 numbers that are available each year (not that hard to do these days) and then work through the rest of the process, I sure that all this didn't happened in 20 minutes on the first trip in.