Originally Posted by patrickt
Marc, a lot of guys have gone through what you're going through. With most of them, the urge to get a Cobra will pass. For others, they will buy one and, within a year or so, will realize it was not what they thought it would be. If you were paying me a ridiculously large fee to give you the best possible advice I could, I would tell you to target the spring of 2013 for getting your Cobra and, between then and now, start reading every thread on this site, starting with the oldest. You can "speed read" some of the highly technical, or goof-ball, threads. Then, make contact with your local Cobra club and meet some of the guys. Odds are, your desire for a Cobra will pass before next spring, and if it doesn't, you will, by that time, know what it is that you want. Seriously, this is the best advice money can buy. 
Wow, dare I say I like this advice? It is almost exactly what I did, although I needed about 2 years of research and thought to finally pull the trigger on a new SPF. No, I am not saying it is the best replica out there, but it is exactly what I wanted. After having the car for more than a year, it remains the highlight of any day that allows me to spend some time behind the wheel.