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Other states have their own way of registering replicas. California does not / might not care how it is registered in another state. California registers replicas as what they are and the year that they were built / registered here.
My replica was origionally registered in California in the early 90's as a 0000 SPCN, year first sold as 0000, with no SB100. When I bought it, put it back together and registered it there was no issue for six years. Then I received a notice in my registration for smog requirment. I had an SB100 done and did the registration with that. Now my replica is a 0000 SPCN, year 2010. All I paid were for my tags and the minimal fee for the new owners cert.
There were underlining reasons why my car needed to be smogged but it had never been cought in the system.
Registered and then non-opped for years, I bought it, put it in my name but non-opped it while I built it back up then gotit ready for the road. Both times they listed it like a new car. New cars in California do not have to be smogged for six years. After my having it registered for six years is when I received the dreaded "SMOG REQUIRED" notice on my registration.
"I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean they are not watching me"