Originally Posted by Marc Wulf
So now I need to be more specific.What I'm looking for is a weekend driver used for around 25-30k well built non donor.I know I'm not going to get a rip snorting 427 for that amount of money,but something with maybe 375-400 hp.My thrill comes from acceleration 0-60.I hope this helps. I thank you all once again.
Marc, they are out there....here's a photo of mine, I bought it already constructed for $18.2K, drove it home and got 25 mpg on the highway with it, and it is my daily driver in clear weather. I did not want a garage queen, a trailer queen, I wanted to enjoy my investment on a daily basis and I do. It is incredibly fast from 0-60...everyone who rides in it is amazed at how it hooks up and just goes, no tire smoke, no drama, just incredible acceleration.
Keep looking....I have put less than $500 into mine since I bought it and $200 of that was to replace a front tire that blew out. I will soon invest another $1000 for an interior upgrade....but, then, that's the way these things are, always something to do, never completed. What is important is just as you described above, get one with a well-built chassis, make sure you have a safe vehicle, then put whatever money you want into it to make it into your dream....oh, yeah, and then drive it like you stole it!
The pics:
It won club choice trophy at the Sam Houston Auto Club annual car show:
On the street....at last year's "Cool Autumn Nights" car show in Beaumont, TX....not "displayed", but it did get more than its fair share of attention, anyway:
They are out there....and, I must admit, it seems there are more and more of them, and the prices are getting lower, too....I almost wish I had waited, as I really wanted a 289 model rather than my 427 model, but my opportunity occured and I was ready to jump in with both feet. No regrets!!!
Good luck in your search....get ready to "kiss a few frogs" before you find your "prince(ss)", but with enough effort you'll get exactly what you have described!