Alot depends on who's asking! When most people ask the question "it is real" ? I usually say; it's a original "427 sideoiler"! This seems to shut down most naysayers to just whispering to there buds as they peer into the engine bay. As 99% of the population couldn't tell the differance between a 3000 series CSX & a (in my case) factory built ERA S/C sitting side by side. For those who know AC's, I gladly tell them it's a factory built replica; and almost always enjoy the ensuing conversation. In truth there are less than a 1000 original Shelby AC Cobras. All the rest are in fact. 1. factory built exacting replicas to the original; providing original style factory specs/parts were used . I say exacting as no two of the originals were built the same! 2. factory built clones whick mimic the original in most respects, with the exception of (sbf's in bb ac's) drivetrains. 3. factory partial built & supplied kits & the customer completes the kit 4. complete kits where the customer adds the drive train & finishes the kit. 5. Donor kits where customer takes parts from other existing auto's & completes the kit. No matter what number listed above your AC falls into. Almost all of these AC's were built with the same dedication to true performance cars that Carrol gave us so long ago! Enjoy your
AC COBRA M8's It may not be 1 of the original 1000 Shelby AC's But that doesn't mean it's not every bit the equal of the original, or mabe even better. Long live the [