Originally Posted by Ryder
So... just to clarify...
If you use seats from a car manufactured after 2007, will they automaticly pass the new ADR?
I tried reading through the ADR paperwork, but it made me fall asleep. Then I had a dream some crazy old guy in a suit was trying to strangle me with red tape. Also, I'm not very good with legal stuff - so if it's as simple as using a seat from a newer car then I'll be happy
It depends on the car you are getting them from. THe requirement came in on the 1st of July 2008 for all new models. If the model did not change then it can contiue to be produced with old compliant seats.
In other words if a commodore xyz model is released in 2007 and continues to 2009, it doesnt have to comply with the new ADR unless it is a new model. If they release a new version of the commodore after July 2008 then it needs to comply.
Modena, what is the height of the seat back?