Originally Posted by DanEC
I have a feeling I know the answer to this question but I'll ask anyway. I'm using an original low riser 2x4 intake and now that I'm preparing to install my dash panel I'm looking for a place to screw in the temp gage sensor. The only sizeable ports (one in top of intake and one in water pump) I have my heater hoses plumbed to. There is one boss and small plugged opening directly in front of the carburetor that looks to be in the water passage. I would have to drill this out considerably for the Smiths gage sensor and then vacuum out the cuttings.
Not being a Ford engine guy - is this my only option? I suspect it is. Or is there someplace in the block (428) it can go? I'll have to figure out what size that sensor is and see if I have a tap that big.
Do you not have these two holes up front? The top one takes the sensor, the lower one takes the heater hose fitting.