Originally Posted by BAsque1
I understand that a joke is a joke but when someone is trying to fix a very frustrating problem somtimes the jokes should come to an end.
Lou, just tune that goofball Chas out -- RodKnock too. If I had a nickel for every time they pissed over a serious thread..., ahh nevermind. Seriously, if you're having heat soak problems, whether they be in in the lines themselves or in the carb, having your fans run a little longer when you shut the car down will make a big difference. Do you have your fans on a thermo switch? If so, where is the switch and what's the triggering temp? Do you have a fan override switch? What you might try as an experiment is to run your car in a fashion that usually creates the problem, shut it down, and when the fans automatically turn themselves off throw your override switch and run the fans for three minutes longer. Then see if you still have your heat soak problems. If that does the trick then there are easy ways to make your heat soak problem go away. Unfortunately, those tricks will not work on Chas.