Basquel, rather than spend money via Summit. I wen't to local hardware store & bought (1) A 2' piece of 3" galv. dryer vent (2) 0ne 8' piece of 3" flex(sprial expanding type) alum. dryer vent line. (3) One 50' roll of 2" wide quality alum. sheet metal (basicly heavy guage alum foil with adheavsive on 1 side) sealing tape. (4) Two 45 degree 3" dia sheet metal tee's (5) Eight 3" S.S. pipe clamps. I then cut/fit the strait 3" vent pieces to the desired locations on the turkey pan. One for each side, I secured the vent pipe to the T-pan via the alum. seal tape. I then installed the 45 degree tee's into the 3" fresh air vent lines. Then; cut, fit & installed the 3" flex vent between the tee's & the pan openings. As to the foam sealer between the pan & the hood. I cut/fabracated a 1"W x 1/8" thick piece of alum plate to bolt to the top lip of the t-pan. This way I can change/remove the foam stripping from the pan any time I wish. As the tape has a very high shine factor. The overall job came out looking the balls!
I did all this while the t-pan was still mounted on the engine. It took about 4 hours. I would suggest that you have some good quality sheet metal tin( L,R, & S cut) snips. a hand held sheet metal flange srinker. they look like tin snips but create the wrinkled flange end needed to fit on flex/strait vent pipe. & other assorted tools. Also, insure no metal shavings go where they don't
belong! I hope this helps M8! Enjoy!
Oh yeah, I spent about $40 bucks on materials.