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Rick- I'm searching for solutions to two problems-I think( carb draw and backfiring. The wet look to the gaskets under the front two carbs suggest leakage which makes your comments on target. I tried tightening down on the allen head bolts but they are as tight as I can get them.
Eljaro- Yes, I think the compression is o.k. I have not run the engine since as we are getting rain here and I don't want to start the car in the garage. I'm more confident that the carb will draw now as I opened the throttle plate a bit with the linkage. The wet look to the gaskets of the front two carbs suggest that it could be causing the backfiring ( also,the backfiring settles down as the engine warms- parts expanding and closing gaps??). When you speak of gaskets I assume you mean the individual gaskets under each carb and not the gasket unter the whole intake manifold. I have no idea what brand that is if it is the case.
As soon as I can I'm going to run the car and try to determine what steps to take next based upon what I've learned from you folks. Thanks so much. You are a real help. Jon