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Old 10-29-2012, 07:54 PM
American American is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Cobra Make, Engine: Lonestar LS-427
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Default Cars & Life - Mine has a Cobra in it now...

One never knows what life will bring next...

A little over 5 years ago I went through a much needed divorce (if such a thing exists) after 16 years and wondered.. what now?

A year later I meet my future wife, 14 years younger, someone who shares my zest for life, my latest drivers license photo taken on my 40th birthday reflects my new found happiness in life. A couple of years later we marry and leave the wedding in my recently acquired 69 Camaro.

Yes I married beyond myself...

10 months ago my wife gives me another gift, a baby boy. Life is oh so good. I wondered when that might change. Call me jaded, or maybe experienced, but it always does.

2 months ago, long story short, I'm diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, shock sets in but quickly alleviates after seeing that this is one of the easiest to beat. Thryoid is gone, they think they got the cancer, a radiation pill is to follow in November to make damn sure. So far so good.

Fast forward to yesterday. I spot a Lonestar LS-427 rolling chassis for sale locally at a very good price, Currie 9", Baer brakes up front. Timing is bad, space is limited right now, funds not as abundant as usual, but I'm now painfully aware that life waits for no man.

After discussing it with my wonderful wife we decide that for the money it can't be beat. We plan on selling the house after the first of the year, maybe build something that suits us better, including a shop for me. I'll park it in the garage for now until I have space to deal with it better next Spring or Summer. But for now I consider myself a Cobra least partially.

I have no doubt that I will survive the cancer, no question that I have much to live for and an overwhelming desire to make sure my son, my very bloodline, will learn from me what I can offer, part of that is the love of the automobile, the time spent together in the garage or the car, at events and with those like us. Along with lessons of honor, integrity and compassion, the love of the outdoors whether to observe or hunt one's prey, competition through sports and self advancement via a wide breadth of knowledge. Yes, I have much to live for and just as much to be thankful for.

While typically a GM man I have a strong affection for all great cars. What is a great car? I think it was Kelly Johnson the great aeronautical engineer of Lockheed Skunkworks fame that said something along the lines of "if an aircraft looks right it will fly right". The Cobra is one of those machines and I've always wanted one. Big HP, light weight, no compromises, meant to make a point and a big one at that. Besting Ferrari at LeMans was no easy task and what most of you drive on the street today is a much better car than Shelby drove then.

I'll build this one just as I'm raising my son, deliberately, methodically, with attention to detail and love for the task at hand. One day I hope to hand my son the keys to these fine machines which will have hopefully represented a lifetime of good memories and lessons learned.

Having said all of that I'm so tickled right now I can't stand it. Finally, a Cobra of my own. How much better can life get?

Brad G
Fort Worth, Texas
Lonestar LS-427
1969 Camaro

Last edited by American; 10-29-2012 at 08:06 PM..
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