Dave, As long as you do your homework on what performance level you need and build the motor around that.In other words,reasonable compression ratio,a cam to complement the heads and intake matched to the rpm level you will most likely run in.Not too big a carb or FI,finally a good tune.
Understand your concern for mpg,go with a reasonable rear gear ratio and an OD trans should satisfy your mpg needs.
Have fun with your build good luck finding the right builder or machinist.
Originally Posted by Quintum
mdross the only reason that I've brought up mileage thing was, I was wondering how many stops between L.A. and Phx I would have to make. Granted depending on the tank size... yada yada yada.
Everyone, thank you once again for your input. I must say that they have all been positive results. Are you sure that there isn't anything wrong with working on, fitting, any adjustments that need to be made? (granted the entire job is gonna be one big adjustment).
Warm regards to all.