i've been researching possible
oil issues with the 385 after my rod bearing failure. I did not turn up any conclusive/smoking-gun issue.
I think the root of my issue was that i burned out my
oil. I had about 10 track days on it and was running a time-trial race and keeping the engine up at high rpms (about 5000-5500) for a period of time. The
oil temperature was climbing near 270, it was only conventional oil, and i did not have an oil cooler.
so, in 2013, i'll have the oil cooler running, and change my oil after every 2-4 track days at the most. i think that will fix my issues. and the aviaid oil pan looks much better than the canton pan and its design should provide some better oil control over the canton.
i'll also have another car to hammer on ready by the summer so I wont be beating up my cobra so much.