When you have been on forums a long time you get to be a bit wary of new members who register and then post in the most controversial thread for their introduction to the forum. There is a type of person out there that just likes to do this to stir up trouble and thrive on the incensed replies from forum regulars. These folks are called Trolls. See the wikipedia description
Internet Troll
So you can naturally assume when someone for their first post puts up a thread about which car is more original (a topic that usually fires up members opinions) and then posts in a hot thread about a stolen Cobra (another subject that gets people's dander up) ...well the regulars get suspicious of the new member.
As I mentioned earlier, most folks introduce themselves to a forum and let people know what they are about before jumping right in. This forum is very tame and accepting compared to most I've been on. Hence the reason you only got a few tongue in cheek and smart remarks rather than people just telling you where to go.
If you are serious, stick around and you will fund us to be a very welcoming helpful bunch. If you are a troll then get back under your bridge.