I sent you an email asking what screen name you used and never received a reply. We are being snowed under with people from Vietnam, Russia, China, and other countries like that. I am not hard assed and I have approved everyone that I can feel comfortable that they are really interested in joining the site. And I am not proud that I can trace a prospective member. Any fool can do that. The Gmail address is one that I use for everything including my main address as Ron was already taken and I had to use Ray. I use Gmail for most of my contacts with people and companies that I don't know and that way if I start getting a lot of crap I just delete the account and make a new one. I also explained in the email that you obviously haven't read that your name had gotten deleted with about 15 others from the Ukraine, Vietnam, Russia and some others, but yours was by accident. I told you that if you would join again it would go right through. And I did approve a member from Arizona and within 5 minutes he had posted in every forum he could get to before I stopped him a whole long, copied post of spam and links to porn sites. My claim that others in your area had posted spam and crap is completely true. The so called curt email that you got asked you exactly what you said, to answer me and give me some information about yourself. You don't like me fine, don't take it out on the site as it is a good site with good people and we are trying to keep it that way. There is no fighting or any of that stuff there and the members joke around a lot.
Originally Posted by BMF
Explaining who I was, dropping a couple of CC member names whom I've recently met, and confirming that I'm neither a bot nor a spammer was no hardship at all. I took no offense to being asked to do that, although "Ron" ( his email comes from Ray Giger; who's that?) came off in his email to me a little too hard-arsed...I did, however, feel being deleted, denied and dismissed a few moments later was unnecessary and an infantile reply. I have nothing but sincere Cobra enthusiast intentions regarding all of this, but won't waste my time on that site.