Originally Posted by rodneym
Patrickt, did you choose an ERA over any other due to the manual? It's funny because all the stuff you share on here (and lots of it is good, not all, though ), is stuff you learned and shared. That could be don't with the CSX crowd, too.
To answer you, in absolute honesty, my choice came down to almost a coin flip between ERA and Kirkham. Money was not an issue. I viewed both cars as being so well built (a factory built ERA car, that is) that it really was just an academic question as to which one was better in that regard. I knew I was going to paint my car, so the aluminum body was of no compelling interest to me. What tipped it in ERA's favor was the fact that they were on the east coast, the fact that they would do literally anything I asked them to do and, yes, their manual, which I had had for quite some time and had studied like a text book. The manual really did make a difference. That is the absolute 100% truth.