Originally Posted by Ron61
That would be great, especially since they just doubled our rates on everything. I saw in the last report that California now has the highest tax rates in the country and our utility bills are among the top. I used less electricity, 243 KWH last month than I did before and it cost me $ 12.82 cents more. The water rates went up by 18% with another 18% increase due in 6 months. Garbage rates are now $20 and the sewer is $56.74. And of course the meter reading charges went up and they haven't read them for over a year as they do it via computer from the electrical department.
On the other hand that would make a great server. And at least a conversation piece.
Did you ever sell the Cobra that you had up for sale?
Just think, when the Cray finally stops working (maybe not in our lifetime), you could use the case as a second garage space
. Cobra wise, the Silver FIA is still for sale, awaiting someone who can appreciate how unique it is like I have. The Shelby fastback might be next on the block if the FIA does not sell by spring. Hate to see either of them go, but that is life.
Bill S.