I'm liking the kirkham's offering... I will call tomorrow.
kevin, I also like the blackened wheel wells theme as well. That is mostly why I am trying to figure this out.
Patrick, if you only knew... I am SOOOOO new at this, it would be sad for any of y'all to watch me around this car. I do not even have my own garage!! (house being remodeled/built). Anyways, I appreciate your concern for my rookie status. It is not easy being a rookie
, and I appreciate y'all's time and input.
Which brings me to yet another issue. It is XMAS time and I have decided let my (small) family contribute to my hobby in the form of tools. I am putting together a list of must have tools/artifacts for my future garage. Not the fancy, super expensive stuff (like a hydraulic lift), but the more affordable things.
Assume I do not own a simple screwdriver (which I do, but you get the point
What are your ten musts?
And Patrick, since you are all knowing, I expect your answer to be the most revealing/enlightening