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Let me see if I have this right...I make a car, that I sell to you. Some of the parts that I make for my car that I sold you are not acceptable. You send my parts back to me, but I will not credit you until I find another customer who will accept parts that are poor quality....Sounds like the customer is being told to drop dead, yes?? Oh, and I complain like a girl when you warn others in the hobby that you have screwed me. Owning a local chain of automotive centers (9 total), I can tell you for sure, THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO TREAT CUSTOMERS IF YOU WANT TO BUILD A GOOD REPUTATION! Fix the problems, satisfy the customer and move on! I deal with my share of problematic the guy who SWORE that his muffler fell off because of the tune up we did 3 months before. I listened, made a deal we could both live with and the guy has been sending me business ever since. JOHNEX--My .02--stand up and take care of the problem and you wont have to worry about what people say about your service! Keep your head in the sand, and how many customers do you lose? Is it worth $1200? Call the guy IN PERSON and make a deal--it'll be better in the long run!
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." Thomas Jefferson