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You guys are great!
BBQ as soon as I find some mailing cash in the couch, I'm going to send you something. I can't believe how everything went bad...but to put the tranny in wrong...damn! Hundreds of installs literally why that one?
You guys remember my daughter, the #10 (my opinion of course) blonde school teacher who helped run all DVSF's? Remember a few years ago she had a massive brain tumor? Well she has undergone her third major surgery. The damned thing keeps coming back. Now no more operations are possible. Everything is now new drugs and the good Lord. Which begs me to ask does anyone in Texas know Paul Risch's phone #? I lost contact and need to get a hold of him.
Merry H0-H0 to each and everyone of you!
Jeff...I expect a visit in that beast this summer-with your wife of course! July 4th in Pentwater is pretty awesome!
Mr. Mustang, my friend answer coming soon!