Originally Posted by G-Pete
Sorry, this statement is not correct. I'm on the financial and manufacturing side on a automotive aftermarket accessory Manufacture here in the US.
Here is experience first hand speaking and not some internet block opinion.
You CAN manufacture and produce competitively in the US, is is just a matter of how.
Even before Kaizen came, lean manufacturing was a part of my German Engineering degree.
The company which hired me in 1999 had no own manufacturing. As of today our manufacturing spans over 73000 square foot and have 47 full time workers. Over the 2008-2010 down turn we cut back on hours to 32hrs/week for 6 weeks in the summer, but did not cut people.
I proved for over 13 years now - competitive manufacturing, even in economic downturns is possible.
Just lately we've been asked by one of our competitors to quote out some of their grille guards - because their Chinese ones are late and have bad quality.
The main reason hindering American manufacturing is ---
GREED --- period!
You hit that nail on the head. I visit hundreds of manufacturing companies. It is amazing how many times I hear..."the Chinese stole the job from us..". Then I look around and see old equipment, old tools, the place is a mess, and they haven't invested anything in years. Look out in the lot and there is a new Cadillac. Hmmm...The Chinese didn't TAKE or steal the job, it was given to them. Both use 25-30 year old technology. Now it is nothing more than an issue of labor costs. Guess who is cheaper?
I have been working with a 1st tier supplier for GM. Part after part is coming back from China. GM doesn't want to keep a 12-15 week supply on hand to cover the mess-ups in China manufacturing so they will pay a few dollars more (and I mean a few dollars, not hundreds) to have it made here. Automation is king.